AdminSoft specializes in the development and implementation of software in the field of education and training. With eighteen years of experience, expert team and integrated system management AdminSoft provides premium web and desktop based solutions.

The company is a contractor of multiple orders of the Ministry of Education and Science and the National Agency for vocational education and training since 2002.
Among our main products are information system for school administration AdminPro (including all data from List-Model № 1 modules to compile lists and reports, print documents and send information to MON), many on-line tools to help director’s assessment and self-assessment platform for sociological research.
MON assign to AdminSoft the development and maintain of the information system of education AdminM, which in 2015 launched a national electronic information system of pre-school and school education (NEISPUO). The system collects and processes data for all children and students in the system of pre-school, school and higher education, supports multiple registers – Register of Institutions in pre-school and school education, Register of documents on completed education and acquired professional qualification degree, Register the movement of students, Register of Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad Register of current and discontinued undergraduate and graduate students, Register of graduates and others.
AdminSoft develop and maintain the information system of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, which handles licensing procedures for Vocational Training Centers and Centers for information and career guidance, collects and processes the annual information about the VTC and maintain a register issued by VTC documents vocational training and acquired professional qualifications.
AdminSoft has its own system for online training and conducting webinars – AdminSoft Video.
The main areas of activity are:
System analysis and development of integrated information systems for the needs of education, vocational training, social activities and the labor market.
Design, development and maintenance of database management and administration in social systems.
Web-based interactive training materials
Ministry of Education and Science
National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
Over 1700 primary, primary, secondary, specialized, professional and special schools, schools of arts and culture, universities and kindergartens in Bulgaria.
Licensed vocational training centers
British Council, World Bank
NGOs and educational institutions in the field of lifelong learning from Bulgaria and other EU
AdminSoft has extensive experience in the analysis and development of software for the education and training: systems, desktop and web-based applications, tools for monitoring, evaluation and self-assessment. AdminSoft team includes experienced experts in the field of education and design education and ambitious team of IT professionals using a wide range of programming languages corresponding to the specifics of the developed products.
AdminSoft has significant experience in building architecture integrated databases and tools that reflect the specifics of the processes in the field of education, training and social systems, and data processing at different levels to ensure optimal conditions for the analysis of data necessary for the operation of experts and leaders. The system data analysis performed by leading experts in the field of education, training and labor market, which makes AdminSoft products highly customer-oriented and following the logic of business processes in educational management.
2019 Creating a weekly schedule using software products asc TimeTables. It enables the creation of school timetables, simple and simple data entry, automatic generation, full integration, intuitive control, and built-in tools. The electronic diary was extended to fully comply with Ordinance №8 of the Ministry of Education and Science.
2018- Creating the AdminPlus platform, which brings together modules that systematize and optimize the workflow in the school. Develop an “Electronic Diary” providing quick access to student progress and presence information, class summaries, comparative reports, school-related schedules, weekly timetables.
2017- Launches the innovative on-line AdminPlus platform, offering a communication module for students, parents and teachers, as well as documentation modules.
2016 – A new independent unit – AdminSoft Plus Ltd. – aiming to develop cloud services and innovative solutions for the management of classroom integrated with existing company products.
2013 – 2016 years – developed a number of new modules to the information systems of the Ministry and the National Agency on-line tools for evaluation and self-assessment.
2013 – Following a decision of the general meeting of the company “Znanie” AdminSoft Ltd. becomes single structure. The management team, operations and direction of development is maintained.
2007 – 2012 years – the information system of the Ministry of Education developed numerous records, including “Registry issued a memorandum had completed level of education and professional qualification”, “Register of graduates” and “Register of movement of students.” Developed full version of the Information System of the National Agency.
2006 – Information System of Education has expanded with data for higher schools for all students and faculty members.
2005 – Under contract with the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training has developed a pilot model of IP NAVET.
2004 – AdminSoft Ltd. was established as an independent company, part of the Society “Knowledge” – Sofia. Contracts have been signed for updating and maintenance of IS AdminPro with over 200 schools across the country.
2002 – a contract with the Ministry of Education to develop the first modules of the Information System of Education for collecting and processing data from schools (AdminL), kindergartens (AdminS) and support units (Admin / OM) and user interface for work system.
1998 – The team gathers for the first time as a contractor on a project to develop an information system for school administration in the ongoing project in this period, the Ministry of Education and Science under the PHARE program – “Financial management of secondary education”. In 1999 he developed the first version of IP AdminPro implemented in 100 pilot schools.
Integrated Management System
Since 2013 AdminSoft has implemented an integrated management system that ensures quality and information security activities in the company based on the requirements of supported international standards.
AdminSoft aim for continuous improvement in the quality and security of services. The company is certified according to standards:

- ISO 9001: 20015 “Quality management systems – Requirements”
- ISO IEC 27001: 2013 “Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems”
- ISO 20000-1: 2011 “Information technology. Service Management.”
- ISO / IEC 14001: 2015 “Environmental management systems”
- ISO / IEC 18001: 2007 “Occupational health and safety management systems”